Peter P. Jacobi Fund
In honor of friend and faculty member Peter Jacobi, we have established a scholarship in his name that provides full tuition to attend a nonfiction workshop.
Peter Jacobi taught at the Highlights Foundation Writer’s Workshop at Chautauqua for each of its 28 years, including delivering a moving keynote speech each year. Peter’s signature workshop at the Highlights Foundation was initially called: “Life in the Spotlight: Crafting Successful Public Speaking Engagements.” Peter’s workshop continues today as Crafting Successful Author and Illustrator Visits where students prepare a presentation, go into the schools to give their presentation, then receive feedback on that session. In addition, Peter taught a number of courses in nonfiction, as well as participating on the faculty of our Summer Camp Workshops in fiction and nonfiction for many years. We had a wonderful birthday celebration for Peter at the Highlights Foundation in July 2018.

Peter Jacobi over the years at the Highlights Foundation.

George Brown, Peter Jacobi and Patti Gauch