Tell Your Story: Novels

Novels are an exciting genre in children’s literature, whether they are middle grade (ages 8-13) or  young adult (ages 13 and up.) There are seemingly endless novel categories, too: novels in verse, contemporary, horror, fantasy, historical fiction, mystery and narrative nonfiction.

Whatever your novel interest, we’ve got resources and workshops to help you begin, revise, plot, outline, receive feedback, develop characters and more.

No matter where you are on your journey, we’re glad you’re here.  We can give you the skills you need to create the very best novel for kids and teens.

Novel Workshops

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Inspiring Children Through Story

“My picture book … deals with parents separating. One little boy, who parents recently divorced, went to bed with [it] many nights. This deeply moved me to know this picture book helped this little boy.

“I tutor 2nd grade reluctant readers. My understanding of picture book structure and prose allows me to help them learn more than words. Rather than just read the story, we talk about it.”

“You mean I get to keep this book forever?”

…Spoken by a child in tears who was gifted with one of my books at a school visit and had never owned a book before.

“When I hear kids giggle while I’m reading [my book] I feel like I’ve done the job I intended to do.

Novel Resources

5 Reasons You Should Be Writing Short Stories

5 Reasons You Should Be Writing Short Stories

5 Top Resources for Researching Historical Fiction

5 Top Resources for Researching Historical Fiction

Top 5 Reasons to Make a Style Guide for Your Novel

Top 5 Reasons to Make a Style Guide for Your Novel

Beginnings: The Opening of Your Novel Has a Lot of Work to Do

Beginnings: The Opening of Your Novel Has a Lot of Work to Do

Get Involved at the Highlights Foundation

Stories from Our Highlights Foundation Alumni

How You Can Celebrate Floyd Cooper Day During Children’s Book Week (May 6)

How You Can Celebrate Floyd Cooper Day During Children’s Book Week (May 6)

Our Workshop “Highlights”: A Poem

Our Workshop “Highlights”: A Poem

These are your people, and this is your place

These are your people, and this is your place

From Scholarship to Workshop to Book with Traci Sorell

From Scholarship to Workshop to Book with Traci Sorell

Our Mission in Action

Share Your Story, Inspire a Child
Equity & Inclusion in Kidlit
Partners & Sponsors

The Highlights Foundation positively impacts children by amplifying the voices of storytellers who inform, educate, and inspire children to become their best selves.  Learn more about our impact.