Kidlitwomen* Fund

In 2018, children’s book authors Grace Lin and Karen Blumenthal founded the kidlitwomen* project. In the month of March, in honor of Women’s History Month, people contributed essays about the inequities of the children’s literature community and how they could possibly be fixed. Over 100 articles were written and shared; and Grace created the kidlitwomen* podcast to continue the conversations.

After producing 100 episodes, Grace decided to retire the podcast by creating a fund to support women of color illustrators for children to attend a qualifying Highlights Foundation workshop.

Get more information about the scholarship process and apply here.

Why is this scholarship focused on WOC illustrators? These two podcasts talk about the gender inequity of the illustration awards:

Listen to how the kidlitwomen* project began:
The Origins of the kidlitwomen* Project

Two episodes about how the project was trying to bring equity to our community: it is boys AND girls, not boys OR girls:

Kidlitwomen Scholarship

To donate by check, make a check payable to: The Highlights Foundation, and send it to: The Highlights Foundation, 814 Court Street, Honesdale, PA 18431.  You can reference the name of the scholarship fund in the memo line.

Our Mission in Action

Share Your Story, Inspire a Child
Equity & Inclusion in Kidlit
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The Highlights Foundation positively impacts children by amplifying the voices of storytellers who inform, educate, and inspire children to become their best selves.  Learn more about our impact.