Photo of Emily Joof

Emily Joof

Emily is an African-diaspora mum with a great love for storytelling. She was born in Lagos, Nigeria to a Gambian Father and Malian-French mother and has lived in Nigeria, Belgium, France, Gambia, the UK and Sweden.

Emily is deeply inspired by her childhood as a third culture kid and her own children. She writes stories that reflect the world that she and millions of children across the globe grow up in, where difference is the norm. She blogs and is very active in the discussion around representation in children’s literature in Sweden.

Emily is represented in Sweden by the Swedish Publisher Raben & Sjögren. In the US and UK Emily is represented by Jessica Craig of Craig Literary

Emily works for community organizations, NGOs and International Organizations as an Education Technical Advisor. A role that centers on inclusion and contributes in advancing and improving children’s’ rights and access to foundational literacy and numeracy in the global south. She has managed and delivered programmes targeting children, at-risk youth and marginalized communities for more than 15 years.

She is also currently a Postgraduate researcher (PhD candidate) at Lancaster university in the UK.  Her research centers on the potential that Children’s Literature can have on fostering inclusions in preschools.

Emily was recently selected  as a mentee in We Need Diverse Books, Black Creatives Mentorship in 2022 . She was mentored by the award winning author and educator Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow.

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