Continue Learning with Us!

We are so happy that you’re joining the Highlights Foundation for our online mini online course, Rock Your Research.

We’d love to see you on our campus this year, and help deepen your craft learning and community-building with one of these two workshops.

Does one of them fit your goals?

If so, please use the code FRIEND50 at registration for a $50 credit.

For inspiration and mentorship:

Summer Camp in Nonfiction

Summer Camp in Nonfiction: Expolore, Engage, Inspire

July 16-20

Early Bird Pricing Ends June 1; Submission Deadline June 20

For feedback and hands-on exploration:

Group outside looking at objects with a magnifying glass

Writing and Illustrating Science & Nature for Kids and Teens

August 12-16

Submission Deadline: July 19

Our Mission in Action

Share Your Story, Inspire a Child
Equity & Inclusion in Kidlit
Partners & Sponsors

The Highlights Foundation positively impacts children by amplifying the voices of storytellers who inform, educate, and inspire children to become their best selves.  Learn more about our impact.