Equity & Inclusion in Kidlit

When children are centered in the pages of a book, equity is amplified. When children expand their experiences through the pages of a book, access is amplified.

Children’s books that reflect the richness of the human experience through diversity, inclusion, and access are catalysts for change.   

Anti-Racism Resources

At the Highlights Foundation, we hold diversity as one of our core values. We are committed to diversity in craft, storytelling, shared stories and experiences. We strive for diverse representation in our faculty, staff, students, and partnerships. By fostering forward-moving dialogues, we encourage personal and institutional growth through education, awareness, and action.

Essential Conversations

To amplify the need and call for more diverse, inclusive, and accessible books, the Highlights Foundation developed Essential Conversations.  Learn more about the program and how you can participate or support.

Social and Emotional Themes in KidLit: A Two-Night Mini for Writers

Social and Emotional Themes in KidLit: A Two-Night Mini for Writers

Starts: September 23, 2024

Latinx Voices: An In-Community Retreat for Storytellers

Latinx Voices: An In-Community Retreat for Storytellers

Starts: October 27, 2024

Rainbow Retreat: An In-Community Retreat for Storytellers

Rainbow Retreat: An In-Community Retreat for Storytellers

Starts: October 31, 2024

Free #HFGather: 2025 Scholarship Celebration and Information Session

Free #HFGather: 2025 Scholarship Celebration and Information Session

Starts: January 15, 2025

Our Mission in Action

Share Your Story, Inspire a Child
Equity & Inclusion in Kidlit
Partners & Sponsors

The Highlights Foundation positively impacts children by amplifying the voices of storytellers who inform, educate, and inspire children to become their best selves.  Learn more about our impact.