The Midas Trees: Celebrating a Book Birthday With D.J. Brandon

Mar 20, 2025 | Community Good News

We’re welcoming author D.J. Brandon to the blog today, so that we can help her celebrate the publication of The Midas Trees! She’s taken lots of courses (and personal retreats) with us, so we’re very happy to celebrate with her!

How are you feeling about publication of this book?

It’s always exciting to see what begins as just a tiny “seed” of an idea blossom into printed words on the pages of a real live book.  When I first saw the cover for The Midas Trees, I was thrilled. Seeing that golden image, exactly as I pictured it, brought it all to life. And I am deeply pleased to share this middle-grade novel-in-verse with my readers.

Describe how the idea for the book came to you. What was your process for getting it on the page? 

The idea was actually born two summers ago, when I found myself very far from home in an absolutely beautiful place; but one that was also, for me, a very physically challenging environment. My longing for home and familiarity was very acute; but the logistics of getting back there was fraught with obstacles. That experience, combined with an ever-present heartache for kids caught in the middle of parental battles, curiously wove itself into what would become, The Midas Trees (West 44 Books, 2025). As a writer of hi-lo novels-in-verse for the educational market, I pitched my idea to my editor and waited.

Do you have a favorite moment or scene in the book?

Hmm. I suppose there are several. One that comes to mind though would be the main character, Pearl’s, first face-to-face meeting with her middle school counselor, Ms. Sanchez. Taking that first step forward, asking for adult help, is extremely difficult for Pearl. And she and I worked hard to get it just right.

What do you hope kids will take away from your book?

It is my hope that this book has something to offer all middle-grade kids. For kids like Pearl, kids who struggle every day with really hard “stuff,” often keeping their home lives secret from their classmates and teachers, I hope that they will realize they are not alone. That there are other kids like them, going through similar things; and most importantly that there are caring adults who can be trusted to help. And for kids who are fortunate enough to not face those struggles, I hope this story will awaken an awareness that will help them to be kinder, more empathetic friends.

What was the most challenging part of writing this book? How did you overcome that?

A few things come to mind here. One, as I alluded to above, was “getting it right.” To accomplish that, I interviewed a middle school counselor at length. We talked about kids like Pearl, about what a middle school counselor’s office might be like, about how a counselor would go about establishing a relationship with Pearl. I also interviewed a social worker experienced with child protective services and a law enforcement officer.

Another huge challenge for me was my anxiety in writing this story. The deeper I got into Pearl’s head, the more my own anxiety grew. It is something that I think a lot of authors deal with when writing about difficult topics. With the support of my wonderful editor, and writing the story to a bright and hopeful resolution, I eventually overcame that, too. (Although I’m always on pins and needles as I await readers’ opinions.)

Lastly is the challenge, when writing for the educational market, of writing to a specified word count with an abbreviated deadline looming. But that, too, is facilitated by a supportive editor.

Were there any surprises along the way – things that changed from your original idea as you wrote?

Yes. For one, my portrayal of “Dad” evolved and changed as the story progressed. In the beginning, he was a rather one-dimensional character. And I realized fairly early on that I needed to fix this, to dig deeper into Dad, to try to discover the loving, human side of him. To see him as Pearl would see him. That led to the “Two Dads” poem.

Can you talk about your journey as a writer and how the Highlights Foundation played a part in it?

I can hardly believe this myself, but it’s been almost twenty years since I began this writing journey. What started as an “escape” of sorts quickly blossomed into an earnest commitment. Kids have always been my favorite people. My mother instilled in all of her children a love of the written word. And reading to, and with my own children was always a favorite pastime. So writing felt like a natural and necessary fit for me. But I quickly realized “it takes a village.”

I first learned about the Highlights Foundation workshops at an SCBWI conference; and I attended my first Highlights workshop, “Writing Poetry for Children,” led by Rebecca Kai Dotlich, in 2009. I fell in love with the Highlights workshop vision, the inspiring, setting-driven campus, the supportive atmosphere, and (I have to say it) the food.  In the years that followed, I attended a revision workshop led by Harold Underdown, another workshop titled, “Filling the Writer’s Toolbox,” led by Emma Dryden and several personal retreats in addition to multiple on-line workshops and Highlights “Gathers.”   Each and every one of these experiences brought me inspiration and focus, and lifted my writing to a place where I finally realized my dream of becoming a published author. I currently have five titles with West 44 Books, and am continuing work on two longer, traditional full-length middle-grade novels that began and experienced amazing growth in the cozy cabins of the Highlights Foundation campus.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to aspiring writers, especially those working on their first book?

If writing is what matters to you, never give up. Do it for the love of “story;” learn, seek out guidance, and be open to constructive critique and revision. Be open to the unexpected, too. I didn’t start out writing middle-grade and I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would write novels-in-verse.

What’s next for you? Are you already working on another project?

At the moment, I’ve returned to one of those middle-grade novels that was put on hold twice for my last two books with West 44. We’ll see where that goes. But I continue to be open to new opportunities in the educational market as well. Find out more:
Instagram: @djbrandonwrites

Author photo of D.J. Brandon
Book cover: The Midas Trees

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