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Creating Art Leads to New Manuscript Idea for Scholarship Recipient

May 17, 2024 | Scholarship Stories

With support from a PJ Library Scholarship, Dina Hodara attended the Working (Playing) Retreat: Artistic Play and Exploration. Dina told us that “creating art actually got my mind working on a new manuscript idea that I had been trying to work out for years! So hopefully, that idea will turn into a manuscript that inspires kids.”

Dina’s Story

Dina is a “children’s book writer, educator and mom of two amazing boys.” She says “I am dreaming of illustrating my picture books – but there is a lot to learn. I enjoyed exploring new art mediums and ideas that I had not been exposed to before.”

She’s grateful for her scholarship: “It was so meaningful because it felt like encouragement to keep going on my journey as a kidlit creator. It was so wonderful to get some time to just be me – and not a mom or teacher that was needed by someone else. I feel like what I create is important and is one step closer to getting out into the world.”

She felt welcomed and cared for at the retreat: “It was truly a wonderful and energizing experience. It’s so difficult to keep trying and not see any results. Being invited to Highlights for a retreat was a welcome nod that I should keep working on my craft and pursuing my dream. I felt very cared for and really appreciated it.”

dinahodara.com (educator website)
@DinaHodara on Twitter/X
Dina Hodara-Bono on Facebook

Photo of Dina Hodara with artwork, at Highlights
Photo of Dina Hodara with artwork, at Highlights