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7 Reasons Why You Might Make a Podcast to Share Your Story

Apr 17, 2023 | Inspiration, The Business of Publishing

You have a brilliant story idea, but now it’s time to determine what format will best serve the story. 

Will it be a picture book or an easy reader? A chapter book or a novel? Will it be written in prose or in verse? Through images or primary sources? Or maybe in panels as a graphic novel?

Have you considered how your story might take shape in an audio format, such as a podcast?

Podcasting is a flexible and innovative storytelling medium, but maybe it feels a little too new or outside of your comfort zone. So why make a podcast? I’m glad you asked!

  1. Accessible anywhere. No need for a library card. No need to visit the bookstore. Podcasts are available through any internet-connected device and are almost always completely free.
  2. Room for everyone. No matter the niche, there is always room for your voice and always a need for representation. 
  3. Build a world. Serialized storytelling or ongoing world-building works great in the podcast space, where new listeners are always discovering your show and where your episode archive is easy to find and explore.
  4. Grow as you go. The podcast medium is both adaptive and forgiving. Your show can and will grow as you do, giving you the opportunity to be a learner as well as a resource in your storytelling journey.
  5. Screen-free entertainment. Kids get a break from screens and activate learning and imagination as they listen while drawing, playing, snacking, or traveling. 
  6. Space to innovate. There are as many different ways to make a podcast for kids as there are kids to listen! Whether riffing on a familiar format, or trying something entirely new, podcasts are a medium that celebrate play and trying new things.
  7. The price is right. The low-to-no-cost entry into podcasting makes the medium open to anyone all around the world. And the time and learning invested only stands to make your show and your podcasting and storytelling skills even stronger. 

Let’s learn and explore together! The world needs your voice, and kids need your message.

Thank you to our faculty for this Guest Post!

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