Just do it: how momentum and effort can help you finish your draft

Sep 15, 2022 | Novels

Have you met Sarah Aronson yet? She is a huge cheerleader for her fellow writers, sharing advice and inspiration on her blog, through her Creativity Journal e-newsletters and through her teaching at the Highlights Foundation and other places.We’re sharing some of Sarah’s Monday Motivation wisdom to get you excited about moving forward:

Effort and Momentum

When I was a physical therapist, I thought a lot about the importance of effort and momentum. Now, as a writer, I strive to find a balance of both.
Effort is all about work. Getting stronger. Thinking. Intentionality.Momentum is speed. Inspiration. Momentum is fast.I will never forget the moment I learned how our muscles fire when we are walking fast…versus when we walk slow. (You use a lot more muscle to walk slowly.)So, what does this have to do with the writing process?

Since I am [working right now] to CAREFULLY finish a revision, I feel like I am ALL effort. I am reading slowly, to make sure all my plot turns work. I am thinking about my characters and the structure of the novel.The problem is: Sometimes thinking too much can destroy momentum.So, if you are like me, and have a need for writing speed, how do we find that balance at every stage?

Need momentum?

Try different genres! Come on, Writers, PLAY! Creativity should be expansive and fun. We all have lots of ideas. None of us should feel pinned down to any one genre. Remember: if it makes YOU happy, write it!

OR do you need effort?

Slow down! Read aloud! Open that first chapter or page and think about what you are asking your reader to undertake. Write down the WHY behind your story. As you proceed, keep it in mind.You can also make that storyboard.For each chapter, write down the main action and emotion. Examine why you have put the characters in the scene. Be deliberate about language.Bonus: drawing out your scenes will always help you find new details to make your characters/tension//setting come to life.If you are with me and are at the end of a revision, take a break in between each chapter. Keep that notebook handy to help you stay organized. If you catch your mind wandering, open a “peach sorbet” in a different genre. Get it out of your system!Then get back to work.

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