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Equity & Inclusion in Kidlit
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The Highlights Foundation positively impacts children by amplifying the voices of storytellers who inform, educate, and inspire children to become their best selves.  Learn more about our impact.

#HFGather: Sarah Aronson and Tara Lazar

Mar 18, 2020 | HFGather, Inspiration

We had our first virtual community meeting today, with a full house gathered to listen as host Sarah Aronson talked with author Tara Lazar (taralazar.com) about process, humor, mentor texts and how their writing practice has adjusted during this challenging time. It was inspiring to hear these two incredibly creative writers discuss:

  • How boredom is important to creativity
  • This might be a good time to re-think about projects we have been putting off
  • Managing creativity and writing during this challenging time
  • Altering the structure of your writing day
  • The three I’s: Inspiration (the magic part), Intuition (looking for connections), and Intellect (but don’t overthink things)
  • Chef Amanda’s French Toast Casserole

If you missed the live webinar, watch it here:

If you can’t see the video on this page, follow this link to our Youtube channel.